All runtimes
Plupload is a cross-browser multi-runtime
file uploading API. Basically, a set of tools that will help you to build a reliable and visually appealing file uploader in minutes. This example replaced a specific div with a the jQuery uploader queue
widget. It will automatically check for different runtimes in the configured order, if it fails it will not convert the specified element.
Queue widget example:
- Drag files here.
HTML4 runtime
Example of multiple fime uploader with HTML4
runtime. This kind of runtime doesn't support drag and drop
functionality. This is the most standard runtime which supports older versions of all modern browsers. Currently, Plupload may be considered as consisting of three parts: low-level pollyfills
, Plupload API
and Widgets
HTML4 runtime example:
HTML5 runtime
Example of HTML5
runtime. The main benefit of HTML5 runtime is that files not only can be picked from browse dialog, but also can be dropped directly from the desktop. In some browsers, mostly in those based on WebKit, it is possible to drag and drop whole folders. Please note: drag and drop feature will not work in some legacy browsers.
HTML5 runtime example:
- Drag files here.
Uploader events
This example shows you how to bind various events
to your plupload instance. Current example demonstrates 2 preInit
events: Init
- fires when the current RunTime has been initialized and UploadFile
- fires when a file is to be uploaded by the runtime. All 15 post init
events attached to the uploader you can see in the block below in upload process.
Uploader events example:
- Drag files here.
Uploader events: