Version 4.0
Version 4.0 is based on the most recent Bootstrap 5 version, which includes breaking changes. The most critical ones are dropped IE support and jQuery dependency, which led to significant overrides of Limitless core. This version includes lots of changes on various levels: file structure, theming support, styling and customization logic and list components. 24 3rd-party components have been either removed or replaced with ones that don't have jQuery dependency, template core is now also dependency free. Layout structure and markup haven't been changed significantly, just a few updates in sidebar and page header. Read more information about migration here.
The package still includes version based on Bootstrap 4, but it's now in maintenance mode and will include only critical bug fixes from now on. It's strongly recommended to upgrade your copy to v.4.0.
Here are some release highlights:
- Bootstrap 5
- Extended theming support with CSS variables, including system preference detection
- New improved file structure to speed up updates
- Improved RTL support
- Refreshed design, including new icon set and font family
- Dropped IE support
- Removed or replaced unmaintained 3rd party components
- Template core is now dependency free
- etc
// # List of new things
// ------------------------------
[new] Latest Bootstrap 5
[new] ECharts maps
[new] Leaflet maps
[new] Template core is now fully based on vanilla JS
[new] GridJS - data grid library (pure JS)
[new] MarkJS - text highlighting library (pure JS)
[new] QuillJS - powerful text editor (pure JS)
[new] Autocomplete.js library (pure JS)
[new] Masked inputs (pure JS)
[new] Dual listboxes (pure JS)
[new] Tokenfield (pure JS)
[new] Universal Datepicker (pure JS)
[new] Limitless is now fully based on CSS variables
[new] Dark theme support with system preference configuration
[new] Dark theme on component level (dark components in light theme and vice versa)
[new] New default icon set
[new] New font family
[new] Refreshed UI
// # List of improvements
// ------------------------------
[improved] File structure - RTL and themes don't include separate set of HTML files
[improved] Default and dark themes
[improved] Navbar components
[improved] Better responsive navbars
[improved] Horizontal and vertical navigation styles
[improved] Localisation is now dependency free
[improved] Improved chart themes
[improved] Improved color system
[improved] Improved sidebar navigation
[improved] CKEditor styling
[improved] Cards on mobile
[improved] Improved collapsible elements on mobile
[improved] Improved JS core (app.js file)
[improved] Documentation
[improved] Extended helpers and utilities
// # List of updates
// ------------------------------
[updated] Dev dependencies
[updated] ECharts - echarts.min.js - to 5.4.0
[updated] Bootstrap - SCSS and bootstrap.bundle.min.js - to 5.2.2
[updated] jQuery - jQuery.min.js - to 3.6.1
[updated] Ace.js - ace.js and related - to 1.11.2
[updated] Trumbowyg - trumbowyg.min.js and related - to 2.25.2
[updated] Validation - validate.min.js and related - to 1.19.5
[updated] i18Next - i18next.min.js and related - to 21.9.2
[updated] ECharts - echarts.min.js - to 5.4.0
[updated] Image cropper - cropper.min.js - to 1.5.12
[updated] GLightbox - glightbox.min.js - to 3.2.0
[updated] Bootbox - bootbox.min.js - to 5.5.3
[updated] SweetAlert2 - sweet_alert.min.js - to 11.4.37
[updated] NoUI slider - nouislider.min.js - to 15.6.1
[updated] Datatables - datatables.min.js - to 1.12.1 (including all extensions)
[updated] Fancytree - fancytree_all.min.js and related - to 2.38.2
[updated] Fullcalendar - main.min.js and related - to 5.11.3
[updated] MomentJS - moment.min.js and moment_locales.min.js - to 2.29.4
[updated] PrismJS - prism.min.js - to 1.23.0
[updated] File input - fileinput.min.js and plugins - to 5.5.1
[updated] Dropzone - dropzone.min.js - to 6.0.0
// # List of removed things
// ------------------------------
[removed] Alpaca - not maintained
[removed] jQueryUI - not maintained
[removed] jQuery UI slider pips - related to jQueryUI
[removed] Jasny Bootstrap library - not maintained
[removed] Dual listbox - replaced with vanilla JS version
[removed] Form input formatter - replaced with MaskJS
[removed] Touchspin - not maintained, replaced with regular inputs
[removed] Bootstrap tagsinput - outdated and not maintained
[removed] Tokenfield - replaced with vanilla JS version
[removed] Summernote - bugs, replaced with QuillJS
[removed] PaceJS - in favour of custom JS solutions
[removed] blockUI - useful, but not maintained
[removed] Context menu - no Bootstrap 5 support
[removed] Bootstrap hover dropdown
[removed] Bootstrap dynamic pagination - not maintained
[removed] jGrowl - not maintained
[removed] PNotify - very heavy library
[removed] Location picker - not maintained
[removed] Address picker - not maintained
[removed] Anytime and pick-a-date pickers - replaced with vanilla JS datepicker
[removed] Footable - in favour of responsive datatables
[removed] SlinkyJS - replaced with native Bootstrap navigation
[removed] Bootstrap progress bars - not maintained
[removed] LaddaJS - in favour of custom JS solutions
[removed] jVectorMap - replaced with ECharts maps
SCSS files to update
In version 4.0 all SCSS files have been re-written from scratch to support CSS variables including Bootstrap core, layout and all 3rd-party components. Refer to migration help for more information.JS files to update
These are all JS files that have been changed during update process. It can be a library, plugin or a sample JS file with charts or specific page configuration - everything matters. Also includes file name, path to the file and brief description about changes made. Since JS files are responsible for template's functionality, it is required to keep them up-to-date.
In version 3.0 almost all demo JS files were edited and some were removed.
File | Location | Description | |
Updated core files | |||
bootstrap.bundle.min.js |
/js/bootstrap/ | Upgraded Bootstrap to the latest version | |
jquery.min.js |
/js/jquery/ | Upgraded jQuery to the latest version | |
Updated demo pages | |||
All page JS configs |
/js/demo/pages/ | All files that include JS configurations for pages have been updated. 27 files removed | |
All chart JS configs |
/js/demo/charts/ | All files that include JS configurations for charts have been updated | |
Updated components | |||
ace.js files |
/js/vendor/editors/ | Code editor | |
ckeditor.js files |
/js/vendor/editors/ | CKEditor text editor | |
trumbowyg.min.js |
/js/vendor/editors/ | Trumbowyg text editor | |
dual_listbox.min.js |
/js/vendor/forms/inputs/ | Multiple listbox library | |
bootstrap_multiselect.js |
/js/vendor/forms/selects/ | Multiselect library | |
tokenfield.min.js |
/js/vendor/forms/tags/ | Tokenfield library | |
validate.min.js and files |
/js/vendor/forms/validation/ | Form validation library | |
steps.min.js |
/js/vendor/forms/wizards/ | Steps wizard (changes to support Bootstrap 5) | |
i18next.min.js and files |
/js/vendor/internationalization/ | Localization library | |
cropper.min.js |
/js/vendor/media/ | Image cropper library | |
glightbox.min.js |
/js/vendor/media/ | Media lightbox library | |
bootbox.min.js |
/js/vendor/notifications/ | Alert replacement library | |
sweet_alert.min.js |
/js/vendor/notifications/ | Notifications library | |
daterangepicker.js |
/js/vendor/notifications/ | Daterange picker library (changes to support Bootstrap 5) | |
nouislider.min.js |
/js/vendor/sliders/ | NoUI sliders library | |
datatables.min.js |
/js/vendor/tables/ | Datatables library, including all extensions | |
fancytree.min.js and files |
/js/vendor/trees/ | Tree view library, including all extensions | |
main.min.js and files |
/js/vendor/ui/fullcalendar/ | Fullcalendar library, including all extensions | |
moment.min.js |
/js/vendor/ui/moment/ | Date/time formatting library, including all extensions | |
fab.min.js |
/js/vendor/ui/ | Custom floating action button library (changes to support Bootstrap 5) | |
prism.min.js |
/js/vendor/ui/ | Syntax highlighting library | |
fileinput.min.js and files |
/js/vendor/uploaders/fileinput/ | Bootstrap file uploader | |
dropzone.min.js |
/js/vendor/uploaders/ | DropzoneJS uploader | |
echarts.min.js |
/js/vendor/visualization/ | ECharts charting library | |
New components | |||
quill.min.js |
/js/vendor/editors/ | Quill text editor (new) | |
mark.min.js |
/js/vendor/extensions/ | Text highlight library (new) | |
autocomplete.min.js |
/js/vendor/forms/inputs/ | Autocomplete library (new) | |
imask.min.js |
/js/vendor/forms/inputs/ | Input mask library (new) | |
datepicker.min.js |
/js/vendor/pickers/ | Date picker library (new) | |
gridjs.min.js |
/js/vendor/tables/gridjs/ | GridJS data grid library (new) | |
leaflet.min.js |
/js/vendor/maps/ | Leaflet mapping library (new) | |
Removed components | |||
ladda.min.js |
/js/plugins/buttons/ | Removed | |
spin.js |
/js/plugins/buttons/ | Removed | |
hover_dropdown.min.js |
/js/plugins/buttons/ | Removed | |
summernote.min.js |
/js/plugins/editors/ | Removed | |
jqueryui.min.js |
/js/plugins/extensions/ | Removed | |
contextmenu.js |
/js/plugins/extensions/ | Removed | |
cookie.js |
/js/plugins/extensions/ | Removed | |
mousewheel.min.js |
/js/plugins/extensions/ | Removed | |
rowlink.js |
/js/plugins/extensions/ | Removed | |
alpaca.min.js |
/js/plugins/forms/inputs/ | Removed | |
typeahead.bundle.min.js |
/js/plugins/forms/inputs/ | Removed | |
formatter.min.js |
/js/plugins/forms/inputs/ | Removed | |
inputmask.js |
/js/plugins/forms/inputs/ | Removed | |
touchspin.min.js |
/js/plugins/forms/inputs/ | Removed | |
tagsinput.min.js |
/js/plugins/forms/tags/ | Removed | |
blockui.min.js |
/js/plugins/loaders/ | Removed | |
pace.min.js |
/js/plugins/loaders/ | Removed | |
progressbar.min.js |
/js/plugins/loaders/ | Removed | |
jvectormap.min.js |
/js/plugins/maps/ | Removed | |
pnotify.min.js |
/js/plugins/notifications/ | Removed | |
jgrowl.min.js |
/js/plugins/notifications/ | Removed | |
Location/address pickers |
/js/plugins/pickers/location/ | Removed | |
Pick-a-date files |
/js/plugins/pickers/pickadate/ | Removed | |
slider_pips.min.js |
/js/plugins/sliders/ | Removed | |
footable.min.js |
/js/plugins/tables/ | Removed | |
slinky.min.js |
/js/plugins/ui/ | Removed |
HTML files to update
In version 4.0 all files were updated, with no exceptions.
Version 3.0
Version 3.0 is all about layouts and improvements with the longest changelog ever that has been in development since November 2020. This update is still based on latest Bootstrap 4.* version due to very slow process of dropping IE11 by customers and organizations. The next update will include a completely new version of Limitless based on Bootstrap 5, where template core and all components will be written on vanilla JS, components/apps/layouts will be separated and themes will be based on CSS variables (where dark theme will be available for all light themes). Technically it will be a new template created from scratch, which has even more flexibility and layout options. And of course will be available for free for all fellow customers that already have Limitless license.
// # List of new things
// ------------------------------
[new] New child layout
[new] ECharts maps
[new] Dynamic “Back to top” button
[new] Sliding panels
[new] Design system and UI library for Sketch
[new] Filled inputs in Material theme
[new] CSS driven floating labels in Material theme
[new] Material theme - ripple effect in form controls
[new] Dark theme redesign
[new] Custom responsive navbars
[new] New tabbed horizontal navigation layout
[new] New sidebar structure with custom sticky areas and independent scrolling
[new] New lightbox library
[new] Added responsive dropdown behaviour to navbars. Now you can control dropdown visibility on mobile
[new] Added 2 vertical directions to conversation layouts: top and bottom. JS free
[new] Custom CSS scrollbars with OS detection
// # List of fixes
// ------------------------------
[fixed] User menu in navbar - If user name is empty, navigation item has wrong height
[fixed] Footers in layout 5 don’t support boxed layouts
[fixed] IE11 - .flex-0 utility class doesn’t work properly
[fixed] Screen black after close sweet toast callback
[fixed] Wrong SCSS calculations in navbar sizes
[fixed] Logo in different navbar sizes has incorrect vertical alignment
[fixed] Responsive tables - styles are missed for default and material themes
[fixed] Placeholder in multiple Select2 is not visible
[fixed] FAB - visible labels break the component if it's triggered on hover
[fixed] In vertical tabs right aligned tabs shrink if content is short
[fixed] Fixed bug with chart resizing when layout has multiple sidebars
[fixed] Google Geo chart is not displayed
[fixed] Stagerred tornado chart - fixed bug with resize
[fixed] CKEditor always has unwanted scrollbar
[fixed] Input icon disappears when input in input group is in focus
[fixed] Z-index conflict between sidebars and static navbars
[fixed] Labeled buttons have incorrect icon size calculation
[fixed] Handsontable variables still exist in _variables-custom.scss
[fixed] LG/XL modals are larger than screen size on mobile
[fixed] IE11 - navbar has incorrect flex stretching and user menu gets hidden
[fixed] Scrollable dropdown with .dropdown-scrollable class hides submenus
[fixed] Outline buttons don’t have background color if button is a dropdown trigger
[fixed] Improved and extended CSS form controls
[fixed] Summernote air mode color picker is broken
[fixed] Summernote in RTL version - table dimension picker is broken
[fixed] CKEditor SCSS files are missing in some layout in /compile/
[fixed] Bootstrap file input. Modal in RTL has wrong navigation icons
[fixed] Bootstrap multi select - disabled items are still clickable in certain use cases
[fixed] Dropdown submenu doesn’t take 100% width of its parent
[fixed] All sticky elements are now 100% CSS driven
// # List of improvements
// ------------------------------
[improved] BREAKING CHANGE - default layout behaviour is changed from static to fixed in layouts 1 and 2. Layout is based on containers with independent scrollbars to support very complex layouts. Static layout is now optional and requires class=“layout-static” in HTML tag.
[improved] BREAKING CHANGE - significantly revised color system
[improved] BEAKING CHANGE - Significantly Improved sidebar resize and toggle options. The logic, JS and class names have been changed. Now sidebars can be toggled from any container, including sidebar itself
[improved] Moved away from cards in sidebars, now all sidebar sections have their own containers
[improved] Components in dark theme
[improved] Added hover/focus/active states to buttons and form inputs
[improved] List group component
[improved] Mini sidebar behaviour
[improved] Refactored and improved buttons
[improved] Now mini sidebar can be used on any breakpoint
[improved] Navigation with underline on desktop and mobile
[improved] Default font size and general typography
[improved] Change default breakpoint from md to lg and made them consistent across layouts
[improved] Renamed color system classes (*-alpha|*-light-alpha|*-dark-alpha to *-100)
[improved] Draggable cards - replaced jQuery UI Sortable with custom vanilla JS component
[improved] Added custom search field to navbar
[improved] Refactored JS code responsible for sidebar toggling
[improved] Refactored and improved core JS in app.js
[improved] Added form control usage examples in both light and dark navbars
[improved] Extended helpers classes
[improved] Embedded color system in the core and removed all related SCSS/CSS files (_colors.scss and _palette.scss)
[improved] Added an option to collapse and expand main sidebar
[improved] Added contextual classes to custom form controls
[improved] Removed blockui.min.js from default template config and replaced its functionality with custom component
[improved] Improved card controls and refactored JS related to reload/close/toggle
[improved] Replaced Uniform and Switchery with pure CSS controls
[improved] Form controls in material theme
[improved] Improved line height calculation, now they round up decimals
[improved] Added a set of useful SCSS functions (_ll-functions.scss)
[improved] Custom forms in input groups
[improved] Removed layout related options in _config.scss to avoid double configuration in gulp file and SCSS ($direction, $layout, $theme variables)
[improved] Made custom shadow classes available for all themes. It was a part of material theme only
[improved] Replaced custom JS scrollbars with CSS driven
[improved] Responsive layout
[improved] Bunch of improvements in RTL
[improved] Fancybox is replaced with more lightweight and flexible component
[improved] Improved form controls in dropdown menu
[improved] Error pages - design update
[improved] User profile - design update
[improved] Changed layout structure in Layout #5 to support sticky navbars and have more flexibility in top section
[improved] Improved form validation (both markup and JS config)
[improved] Documentation
[improved] Datatables - removed Select2 dependency for selects
// # List of updates
// ------------------------------
[updated] Dev dependencies
[updated] ECharts - echarts.min.js - to 4.9.0
[updated] Bootstrap - SCSS and bootstrap.bundle.min.js - to 4.6.0
[updated] jQuery - jQuery.min.js - to 3.6.0
[updated] Fullcalendar - to 5.7.0
[updated] Pick-a-date - picker.js, picker.time.js, - to 3.6.4
[updated] File input - fileinput.min.js - to 5.1.5
[updated] Velocity animation engine - velocity.min.js and velocityui.min.js - to 1.5.2
[updated] Daterange picker - daterangepicker.js - to 3.1
[updated] Bootbox alerts - bootbox.min.js - to 5.4.0
[updated] Validation - validate.min.js - to 1.19.2
[updated] Ace code editor - to 1.4.12
[updated] Summernote text editor - summernote.js - to 0.8.18
[updated] Trumbowyg text editor - trumbowyg.min.js - to 2.23.0
[updated] Maxlength - maxlength.min.js - to 1.10.0
[updated] Touchspin - touchspin.min.js - to 4.3.0
[updated] Bootstrap Multiselect - bootstrap_multiselect.js - custom version
[updated] Select2 - select2,min.js - to 4.0.13
[updated] i18Next - i18next.min.js and related - to the latest version
[updated] Image cropper - cropper.min.js - to 4.1.0
[updated] Noty notifications engine - noty.min.js - to 3.2.0
[updated] SweetSlert - sweet_alert.min.js - to 10.16.7 (to support IE11). You can use version 11 if you don’t need IE11 and legacy Edge support, CSS is compatible
[updated] Color picker - spectrum.min.js - to 1.8.1
[updated] ION range slider - ion_rangeslider.min.js - to 2.3.1
[updated] NoUI slider - nouislider.min.js - to 15.11.0
[updated] Datatables - datatables.min.js - to 1.10.24 (including all extensions)
[updated] Fancytree - fancytree_all.min.js - to 2.37.0
[updated] Dragula drag and drop library - dragula.min.js - to 3.7.3
[updated] Syntax highlighter - prism.min.js - to 1.23.0
[updated] Custom file uploader - fileinput.min.js - to 5.2.1 (including all plugins)
[updated] Dropzone file uploader - dropzone.min.js - to 5.7.2
[updated] Date/time formatting - moment.min.js - to 2.29.1
// # List of removed things
// ------------------------------
[removed] Uniform.js - in favour of CSS controls
[removed] Switchery - in favour of CSS controls
[removed] Dynamic pagination (bs_pagination.min.js)
[removed] Anytime date/time picker (anytime.min.js)
[removed] Sticky JS library (sticky.min.js)
[removed] Fancybox (fancybox.min.js) - replaced with GLightbox
[removed] Bootstrap switch (bootstrap_switch.min.js) - in favour of CSS controls
[removed] Perfect scrollbar (perfect_scrollbar.min.js) - in favour of custom CSS scrollbars
[removed] LegitRipple (ripple.min.js) - replaced with custom JS component
[removed] Datatables fixed header component due to the endless number of bugs. Will be replaced with pure CSS solution
SCSS files to update
This section displays a list of updated SCSS files. Includes file name, path to this file and general description of changes. All list items are grouped in categories. This information allows you to quickly find and replace necessary files. Please keep your copies of SCSS files always up-to-date to avoid upgrading issues.
File | Location | Description | |
Updated layout files | |||
_sidebar.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/layout/ | Improved active link highlights, added .sidebar-sticky to responsive classes, in material removed extra border styles, cleaned up and refactored SCSS code, sidebar toggle buttons, removed .sidebar-xs and replaced with .sidebar-main-resized class, made mini sidebar responsive, changed the way how expand/collapse work |
_content.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/layout/ | Removed overflow: auto; from .content-wrapper , added .btn-to-top styles |
_header.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/layout/ | In layout 5 only - removed shadows from light and dark headers, default and material theme - removed margin bottom from .page-header-dark , .page-header-content styles, added removed bottom border in dark theme and added shadows to light and dark headers, dark layout - .page-header-content and breadcrumbs line top border width |
Updated core files | |||
_variables-core.scss |
/scss/layouts/[layout]/[theme]/variables/ |
Some variables are updated, some are new and some are removed. Here is a list of changes:
_variables-custom.scss |
/scss/layouts/[layout]/[theme]/variables/ |
Changed active and hover background color for dark sidebar. List of variables that have been updated:
Updated components | |||
_breadcrumbs.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/bootstrap_limitless/ | .breadcrumb-line refactoring (.breadcrumb-elements-item and .breadcrumb-item classes), removed .breadcrumb-line-component styles and moved markup to page header since it was the only use case for that class name. Changes in _header.scss are also related to .breadcrumb-line-component removal |
_forms.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/bootstrap_limitless/ | Removed dark input options, removed custom background color support for .form-control , added .form-check-horizontal to align checkboxes/radios properly in horizontal forms |
_dropdown.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/bootstrap_limitless/ | Removed .content-toggle related styles, refactored RTL code, removed dark badge color adjustment, added responsive .dropdown-scrollable classes |
_buttons.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/bootstrap_limitless/ | All layouts and themes - fixed padding calculation in .btn-labeled , added missing sizing options for .btn-labeled-right , other minor updates |
_modal.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/bootstrap_limitless/ | Added styles for sliding panels; removed custom border radius from .modal-header |
_list-group.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/bootstrap_limitless/ | Nav group item divider and .nav-group-item borders; removed dark badge color adjustment |
_custom-forms.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/bootstrap_limitless/ | Checkboxes, radios and switches - full redesign | |
_reboot.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/bootstrap_limitless/ | Added custom scrollbars styles | |
_input-group.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/bootstrap_limitless/ | In material theme: updated styling and added filled inputs | |
_pagination.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/bootstrap_limitless/ | Removed background color in disabled items in .pagination-flat |
_type.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/bootstrap_limitless/ | .list-icons styles revamp, removed .text-default (use .text-body instead) and .text-white (comes in bootstrap core) |
_tables.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/bootstrap_limitless/ | Styles for foot in .table-dark class, removed .table-responsive classes and .table-borderless styles (exist in bootstrap core) |
_nav.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/bootstrap_limitless/ | Added styles for .nav-tabs-solid-custom |
_badge.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/bootstrap_limitless/ | Badge inside icons (in all layouts and themes) - to copy to material and dark; removed .badge-icon and replaced with utility classes |
_navbar.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/bootstrap_limitless/ | .navbar-expand changes, removed dark badge color adjustment, styles for navbar component, navbar toggles in large and small navbars, navbar header updates, added .nav-item-dropdown to keep dropdown on mobile, removed .navbar-component class and related HTML pages have been updated; changed z-index in .navbar-static class, added responsive .nav-item-dropdown classes |
_card.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/bootstrap_limitless/ | Card header styles, changes in [data-action="collapse"] style, added .card-overlay classes, added .card-overlay styles and overlay animations |
_progress.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/bootstrap_limitless/ | Removed overflow: hidden; from .progress-bar |
_datatable-buttons.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/tables/datatables/ | Minor changes related to version upgrade | |
_uniform.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/forms/ | Removed | |
_switchery.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/forms/ | Removed | |
_switch.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/forms/ | Removed | |
_multiselect.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/forms/ | Minor updates, focus state for buttons | |
_tokenfield.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/forms/ | Minor changes | |
_tags-input.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/forms/ | Minor changes | |
_select2.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/forms/ | In material theme inline search input fixes and design updates, improved focus and hover states, removed support for custom colors | |
_dual-listbox.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/forms/ | In material theme - fixes for buttons | |
_summernote.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/forms/editors/ | Color picker and table insertion bugs, minor changes, removed alpha property from toolbar styling | |
_trumbowyg.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/forms/editors/ | Active state for buttons | |
_widgets.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/jquery_ui/ | Active state for buttons, color system updates in .ui-selectmenu-button class |
_date.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/pickers/pickadate | Footer buttons and header/footer selects, active state for buttons | |
_time.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/pickers/pickadate | Footer button, removed unnecessary z-indexes, active state for buttons | |
_spectrum.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/pickers/ | Active state for buttons | |
_daterange.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/pickers/ | All new code, related to migratin to a new version | |
_pnotify.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/notifications/ | Input styles, variables update | |
_sweet-alerts.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/notifications/ | Changes related to library upgrade | |
_plupload.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/forms/uploaders/ | Active state for buttons | |
_file-input.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/forms/uploaders/ | Changes related to library update | |
_dropzone.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/forms/uploaders/ | Changes related to library update, active state for buttons | |
_fullcalendar.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/misc/ | All code is new, related to v5 migration | |
_fab.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/misc/ | Added an option to use FAB inside navbar | |
_prism.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/ui/ | New version includes a few new plugins | |
_header-elements.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/ui/ | Fixed - elements inside boxed layout have background, wrong spacing and borders; refactored code for header elements inside page header; breadcrumb line refactoring; updated padding in .card-header-tabs |
_timelines.scss |
/scss/shared/pages/ | Fixed padding in left and right direction | |
_chats.scss |
/scss/shared/pages/ | Minor changes in .media-chat-scrollable class |
Other files | |||
_helpers.scss |
/scss/shared/utils/ | Added !important to .flex-1 class, made shadow classes available for all themes, extended position classes, added translates, removed overflow classes, removed .shadow-0 (use .shadow-none instead), renamed .rounded-[top|bottom|left|right]-round to .rounded-[top|bottom|left|right]-pill , removed all alpha border styles, removed .border-1 classes (use .border classes instead), removed .border-x-2 , .border-y-2 , .border-x-3 , .border-y-3 (use combination of top/bottom and left/right) |
_ll-functions.scss |
/scss/shared/utils/ | Added color mix for color system, added floor and ceil functions to round numbers | |
_ll-mixins.scss |
/scss/shared/utils/ | Removed @ll-background-variant and @ll-border-variant mixins, replaced with single line properties |
JS files to update
These are all JS files that have been changed during update process. It can be a library, plugin or a sample JS file with charts or specific page configuration - everything matters. Also includes file name, path to the file and brief description about changes made. Since JS files are responsible for template's functionality, it is required to keep them up-to-date.
In version 3.0 almost all demo JS files were edited and some were removed.
File | Location | Description | |
Updated core files | |||
bootstrap.bundle.min.js |
/js/main/ | Upgraded Bootstrap to the latest version | |
jquery.min.js |
/js/main/ | Upgraded jQuery to the latest version | |
Updated demo pages | |||
chat_layouts.js |
/js/demo_pages/ | Removed | |
colors_blue.js |
/js/demo_pages/ | Removed | |
colors_brown.js |
/js/demo_pages/ | Removed | |
colors_green.js |
/js/demo_pages/ | Removed | |
colors_grey.js |
/js/demo_pages/ | Removed | |
colors_light.js |
/js/demo_pages/ | Removed | |
colors_violet.js |
/js/demo_pages/ | Removed | |
components_dropdowns.js |
/js/demo_pages/ | Removed | |
components_media.js |
/js/demo_pages/ | Removed | |
components_pagination.js |
/js/demo_pages/ | Removed | |
datatables_extension_fixed_header.js |
/js/demo_pages/ | Removed | |
form_actions.js |
/js/demo_pages/ | Removed | |
form_checkboxes_radios.js |
/js/demo_pages/ | Removed | |
form_inputs.js |
/js/demo_pages/ | Removed | |
form_wizard_rtl.js |
/js/demo_pages/ | Removed | |
invoice_grid.js |
/js/demo_pages/ | Removed | |
job_apply.js |
/js/demo_pages/ | Removed | |
job_list.js |
/js/demo_pages/ | Removed | |
learning.js |
/js/demo_pages/ | Removed | |
login.js |
/js/demo_pages/ | Removed | |
navbar_multiple.js |
/js/demo_pages/ | Removed | |
sidebar_secondary.js |
/js/demo_pages/ | Removed | |
task_manager_grid.js |
/js/demo_pages/ | Removed | |
All others | /js/demo_pages/ | Almost all other files have received minor updates - datatables config dropped select2 config, color classes were renamed, RTL/LTR switching etc. | |
All chart JS configs |
/js/demo_charts/ | All chart configs have been updated | |
Updated components | |||
sweet_alert.min.js |
/js/plugins/notifications/ | Sweet Alert notifications library | |
noty.min.js |
/js/plugins/notifications/ | Notification engine | |
bootbox.min.js |
/js/plugins/notifications/ | Alert replacement | |
maxlength.min.js |
/js/plugins/forms/inputs/ | Max input length counter | |
maxlength.min.js |
/js/plugins/forms/inputs/ | Max input length counter | |
touchspin.min.js |
/js/plugins/forms/inputs/ | Spinner inputs | |
bootstrap_multiselect.js |
/js/plugins/forms/selects/ | Single and multiple select | |
select2.min.js |
/js/plugins/forms/selects/ | Select2 selects | |
validate.min.js and related |
/js/plugins/forms/validation/ | Form validation | |
Fullcalendar files |
/js/plugins/ui/fullcalendar/ | Fullcalendar files - full override | |
Pick-a-date files |
/js/plugins/pickers/pickadate/ | Date and time picker | |
daterangepicker.js |
/js/plugins/pickers/ | Date range picker picker | |
spectrum.min.js |
/js/plugins/pickers/ | Color picker | |
fileinput.min.js and related |
/js/plugins/uploaders/fileinput/ | Bootstrap file input and plugins | |
dropzone.min.js |
/js/plugins/uploaders/ | Dropzone file uploader | |
velocity.min.js velocity.ui.min.js |
/js/velocity/ | JS animation engine | |
echarts.min.js |
/js/plugins/visualization/echarts/ | ECharts visualization library | |
c3.min.js |
/js/plugins/visualization/c3/ | C3.js charting library | |
trumbowyg.min.js and related |
/js/plugins/editors/ | Trumbowyg text editor and plugins | |
summernote.min.js |
/js/plugins/editors/ | Summernote text editor | |
ckeditor.js and related |
/js/plugins/editors/ckeditor/ | CKEditor text editor | |
ace.js and related |
/js/plugins/editors/ace/ | Ace code editor | |
nouislider.min.js |
/js/plugins/sliders/ | NoUI slider library | |
ion_rangeslider.min.js |
/js/plugins/sliders/ | ION range slider library | |
i18next.min.js and related |
/js/plugins/internationalization/ | Localization library | |
moment.min.js and related |
/js/plugins/ui/moment/ | Moment.js library | |
gulpfile.js package.json |
/Template/ | Gulp tasks and dependencies | |
cropper.min.js |
/js/plugins/media/ | Image cropper | |
glightbox.min.js |
/js/plugins/media/ | [NEW] lightbox library | |
prism.min.js |
/js/plugins/ui/ | Syntax highlighter | |
dragula.min.js |
/js/plugins/ui/ | Enhanced drag and drop library | |
fancytree.min.js and related |
/js/plugins/trees/ | Tree view library | |
datatables.min.js and all extensions |
/js/plugins/tables/ | Datatables library | |
fancybox.min.js |
/js/plugins/media/ | Removed | |
switchery.min.js |
/js/plugins/forms/inputs/ | Removed | |
bootstrap_switch.min.js |
/js/plugins/forms/inputs/ | Removed | |
perfect_scrollbar.min.js |
/js/plugins/ui/ | Removed | |
ripple.min.js |
/js/plugins/ui/ | Removed | |
uniform.min.js |
/js/plugins/forms/inputs/ | Removed | |
anytime.min.js |
/js/plugins/pickers/ | Removed | |
ripple.min.js |
/js/plugins/ui/ | Removed | |
sticky.min.js |
/js/plugins/ui/ | Removed | |
bs_pagination.min.js |
/js/plugins/pagination/ | Removed |
HTML files to update
In version 3.0 all files were updated, with no exceptions.
Version 2.3
Version 2.3 includes a long awaited dark theme, library updates, bunch of improvements and a couple of components that have been removed due to various reasons. This update is the last one in 2.* series, next will be 3.0 that will include quite a lot of improvements and general design update. Don't worry, without major changes for fellow users, I'll make sure upgrade process will be as simple as possible.
// # List of new things
// ------------------------------
[new] Dark theme
[new] SweetAlert toasts
[new] selection.json file for Icomoon icon set (to edit current set and generate new font)
// # List of updates
// ------------------------------
[updated] Select2 - select2.min.js - to 4.0.10
[updated] Form validation - validate.min.js - to 1.19.1
[updated] Fullcalendar - fullcalendar.min.js - to 4.3.1
[updated] File input - fileinput.min.js - to 5.0.6
[updated] Dropzone - dropzone.min.js - to 5.5.0
[updated] C3.js - c3.min.js - to 0.4.22
[updated] Footable - footable.min.js - to 3.1.6
[updated] Trumbowyg editor - trumbowyg.min.js and related - to 2.20.0
[updated] Summernote - summernote.min.js - to 0.8.12
[updated] Sweet Alert - sweet_alert.min.js - to 8.16.0
[updated] NoUI slider - nouislider.min.js - to 14.0.2
[updated] CKEditor - ckeditor.js - to 4.12.1
[updated] i18next - i18next.min.js and related - to 19.0.0
[updated] Moment.js - moment.min.js - to 2.24.0
[updated] gulpfile.js and package.json - updated dependencies to support latest version gulp version
// # List of fixes
// ------------------------------
[fixed] Scrollbars are always visible in sidebar
[fixed] Datatables - Copy dialog styling is missing
[fixed] Remove $table-dark-color duplicate
[fixed] Nav links show dotted borders in FF
[fixed] Summernote - sticky toolbar is hidden
[fixed] PNotify - bottom stacks are broken on mobile
[fixed] Update bootstrap.bundle.min.js to latest
[fixed] Dropdown items have smaller height in icons list
[fixed] Custom select has wrong right padding
[fixed] Fixed ECharts resizing bug if charts are loaded from multiple JS files
[fixed] Custom controls have extra shadow on focus
[fixed] Content sidebar overlaps main sidebar on mobile
[fixed] File input - xixed wrong vertical alignment in file selector
[fixed] jQuery UI - fixed border radius in combo autocomplete
[fixed] Fixed double background color in Inbox toolbars
[fixed] Vertical lines are always centered in timelines
[fixed] Mega menu dropdown positioning in RTL layout
[fixed] Summernote - image editor styling is broken
[fixed] RTL - mega menu with table displayed incorrectly
// # List of improvements
// ------------------------------
[improved] Added support for custom CKEditor themes and setup SCSS compilation (including new gulp task)
[improved] All chart configurations are now moved to separate files
[improved] Refactored SCSS files (replaced hard coded values with variables and cleaned up the code)
[improved] Improved custom controls styling
[improved] Google charts styling
[improved] Improved D3.js charts styling config in JS and SCSS
[improved] Replaced jQuery code with vanilla JS in chart configs
[improved] Folder structure in global assets
[improved] Dashboard JS configs
[improved] jQuery UI Datepicker - improved font styles in month and year selects
[improved] Improved toast component styling
[improved] Bunch of RTL improvements
[improved] Documentation
// # List of removed things
// ------------------------------
[removed] Bootstrap 3 version - contact me if you need it
[removed] Dimple charts - outdated and not maintained anymore
[removed] Handsontable - the team merged free and premium versions and latest releases require license for commercial projects issued per developer. Latest free version is full of bugs and not maintained anymore.
SCSS files to update
This section displays a list of updated SCSS files. Includes file name, path to this file and general description of changes. All list items are grouped in categories. This information allows you to quickly find and replace necessary files. Please keep your copies of SCSS files always up-to-date to avoid upgrading issues.
File | Location | Description | |
Updated core files | |||
_variables-core.scss |
/scss/layouts/[layout]/[theme]/variables/ |
Pagination variables for disabled state; Add !default to $input-dark-* styles in core variables in default theme; changed active and hover background color for dark navbar. List of variables that have been updated:
_variables-custom.scss |
/scss/layouts/[layout]/[theme]/variables/ |
Changed active and hover background color for dark sidebar. List of variables that have been updated:
New variables that have been added to all themes:
Updated components | |||
_tables.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/bootstrap_limitless/ | Change border-colour to border-bottom-color in .table-dark class |
_type.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/bootstrap_limitless/ | Changes in .list-icons-item class |
_nav.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/bootstrap_limitless/ | Removed focus from .nav-link class and added a bit of code that removes dotted border in Firefox |
_custom-forms.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/bootstrap_limitless/ | Disabled state for checkboxes and radios (.custom-control-input ); in material theme remove shadow from custom controls on focus |
_card.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/bootstrap_limitless/ | Replaced icons with variables in card actions, .card-group-control .card-title > a:before (collapse/expand icons) |
_buttons.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/bootstrap_limitless/ | Added a bit of code that removes dotted border in Firefox | |
_toasts.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/bootstrap_limitless/ | Added styles for .close button |
_datatables.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/tables/datatables/ | Disabled state in pagination. | |
_datatable-rows-reorder.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/tables/datatables/ | Replaced variables for border color (.dt-rowReorder-float and .dt-rowReorder-moving ) |
_datatable-column-reorder.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/tables/datatables/ | Replaced fixed values in background color (in .DTCR_clonedTable ) in placeholder with a new variable |
_datatable-keytable.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/tables/datatables/ | Removed focus background colors and replaced custom color variables with theme colors | |
_datatable-scroller.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/tables/datatables/ | Replaced $white with $card-bg in .dataTables_scrollHead and .dataTables_scrollFoot ; removed background-color from .DTS_Loading class |
_datatable-autofill.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/tables/datatables/ | Replaced $white with $card-bg variable in .dt-autofill-select |
_footable.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/tables/ | Refactored SCSS code | |
_handsontable.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/tables/ | Removed all SCSS files | |
_uniform.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/forms/ | Changed text color in .filename in uniform file input to $input-color |
_multiselect.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/forms/ | Added color: $input-disabled-color; opacity: 1; to .multiselect &.btn-light &.disabled - to make sure it appears like input field, not button |
_wizard.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/forms/ | Removed background-color: $wizard-step-number-active-color; from .wizard>.steps>ul>li.current .number |
_tokenfield.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/forms/ | Updated .token-input styling |
_tags-input.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/forms/ | Updated .bootstrap-tagsinput input styling |
_select2.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/forms/ | Add placeholder styles for .select2-search--inline .select2-search__field class in multiple select2 selects; add background-color: $input-bg; and color: $input-color; to .select2-search--dropdown .select2-search__field |
_alpaca.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/forms/ | Change .ace_editor border to card border styles |
_summernote.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/forms/editors/ | New icons, fixed image editor and borders, fixed z-index issue in floating toolbar | |
_trumbowyg.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/forms/editors/ | Add color: $trumbowyg-toolbar-color; to trumbowyg buttons, replace $gray-* colors with $trumbowyg-toolbar-color , add color: $body-color; to |
_widgets.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/jquery_ui/ | Improved font styles in month and year selects in datepicker (replaced variables to match input styles); fixed border radius in combo autocomplete (added styles for .ui-button inside .input-group-append and .input-group-prepend ); removed cursor: pointer; from .ui-selectmenu-button so that in disabled state cursor is reset to default; .ui-selectmenu-button:after - fixed wrong caret position in case when select has only icon and no text; fixed wrong button styling in combo select (.ui-controlgroup classes); fixed .ui-button-link styles |
_date.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/pickers/pickadate | Fixed footer buttons default styling (added fallback) | |
_time.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/pickers/pickadate | Fixed footer buttons default styling (added fallback) | |
_spectrum.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/pickers/ | Updated styles for .sp-replacer (replaced variables to match light button styles) |
_pnotify.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/notifications/ | Removed all styles for mobile | |
_sweet-alerts.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/notifications/ | Added toasts and refactored SCSS code | |
_plupload.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/forms/uploaders/ | Refactored SCSS code | |
_file-input.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/forms/uploaders/ | Fixed wrong vertical alignment in file selector (added .file-caption styles); added fallback text colors to file name and action buttons |
_fullcalendar.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/misc/ | Removed .fc-events-container class |
_noui-slider.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/sliders/ | Changes according to the code changes in the latest version | |
_c3.scss |
/scss/shared/charts/ | Cleaned up classes and added variables | |
_c3.scss |
/scss/shared/charts/ | Cleaned up classes and added variables | |
_jvectormap.scss |
/scss/shared/maps/ | Added variables for zoom buttons | |
_timelines.scss |
/scss/shared/pages/ | Fixed vertical line alignment in left and right timelines, adjusted dots position |
JS files to update
These are all JS files that have been changed during update process. It can be a library, plugin or a sample JS file with charts or specific page configuration - everything matters. Also includes file name, path to the file and brief description about changes made. Since JS files are responsible for template's functionality, it is required to keep them up-to-date.
File | Location | Description | |
Updated core files | |||
bootstrap.bundle.min.js |
/js/main/ | Upgraded Bootstrap to the latest version | |
Updated demo pages | |||
extra_jgrowl_noty.js |
/js/demo_pages/ | Changed .text-teal-900 to .text-teal-800 class |
mail_list.js |
/js/demo_pages/ | Replaced .alpha-success with .table-secondary class |
gallery_library.js |
/js/demo_pages/ | Replaced success class with active class for selected rows | |
uploader_bootstrap.js |
/js/demo_pages/ | Added removeClass: ‘’, |
components_pagination.js |
/js/demo_pages/ | Fixed arrows in RTL version | |
dashboard.js |
/js/demo_pages/ | Removed all chart configs | |
invoice_template.js |
/js/demo_pages/ | Renamed to invoice_template_default.js |
editor_ckeditor.js |
/js/demo_pages/ | Renamed to editor_ckeditor_default.js and updated the code |
form_checkboxes_radios.js |
/js/demo_pages/ | Contextual colors in uniform inputs text color adjustment to match border color | |
All chart JS configs |
/js/demo_charts/ | All chart configs have been updated (new colors, new styling, replaced jQuery with JS etc) | |
Updated components | |||
sweet_alert.min.js |
/js/plugins/notifications/ | Sweet Alert notifications library | |
select2.min.js |
/js/plugins/forms/selects/ | Select2 selects | |
validate.min.js and related |
/js/plugins/forms/validation/ | Form validation | |
fullcalendar files |
/js/plugins/ui/fullcalendar/ | Fullcalendar files - full override | |
fileinput.min.js and related |
/js/plugins/uploaders/fileinput/ | Bootstrap file input and plugins | |
dropzone.min.js |
/js/plugins/uploaders/ | Dropzone file uploader | |
c3.min.js |
/js/plugins/visualization/c3/ | C3.js charting library | |
footable.min.js |
/js/plugins/tables/footable/ | Footable table extension | |
trumbowyg.min.js and related |
/js/plugins/editors/ | Trumbowyg text editor and plugins | |
summernote.min.js |
/js/plugins/editors/ | Summernote text editor | |
ckeditor.js and related |
/js/plugins/editors/ckeditor/ | CKEditor text editor | |
nouislider.min.js |
/js/plugins/sliders/ | NoUI slider library | |
i18next.min.js and related |
/js/plugins/internationalization/ | Localization library | |
moment.min.js and related |
/js/plugins/ui/moment/ | Moment.js library | |
gulpfile.js package.json |
/Template/ | Gulp tasks and dependencies | |
New JS files | |||
invoice_template_dark.js |
/js/demo_pages/ | Invoice template with dark CKEditor theme | |
invoice_template_material.js |
/js/demo_pages/ | Invoice template with material CKEditor theme | |
editor_ckeditor_dark.js |
/js/demo_pages/ | Dark CKEditor theme examples | |
editor_ckeditor_material.js |
/js/demo_pages/ | Material CKEditor theme examples | |
ECharts files |
/js/demo_charts/echarts/ | Theme specific ECharts demos | |
Page chart files |
/js/demo_charts/pages/ | Page specific chart demos |
HTML files to update
This section displays a list of updated HTML files. Includes file name, layout, theme and brief description of changes. This information allows you to quickly find and replace necessary files. Please keep your copies of HTML files always up-to-date to avoid upgrading issues.
File | Layout | Theme | Description |
table_responsive.html |
1 | All | Updated current and added new examples |
components_alerts.html |
1 | All | Added toast component examples |
form_select2.html |
1 | All | Custom border and text color example - changed text color class to *-400 |
form_inputs_group.html |
1 | All | Validation states example - changed text color class to *-400 |
form_inputs.html |
1 | All | Validation color classes |
content_typography.html |
1 | All | Added .align-top to labels and badges in headings |
form_tag_inputs.html |
1 | All | Validation colors |
form_wizard.html |
1 | All | Removed .bg-white class |
components_modal.html |
1 | All | Replaced custom header styles with custom bg styles |
components_dropdowns.html |
1 | All | Dropdown with custom border color |
components_tabs.html |
1 | All | Add .justify-content-md-between to vertical tabs in right alignment, remove .bg-light from solid tabs |
components_pills.html |
1 | All | Vertical pills left alignment - removed .justify-content-lg-between |
components_buttons.html |
1 | All/Dark | Add proper footer (in all layouts), remove data-spinner-color="#333" from ladder buttons (in dark only) |
components_alerts.html |
1 | All | Add .text-teal-800 to alerts with custom alpha bg, remove bordered alerts example |
components_media.html |
1 | All | Bordered list headers - removed top borders from headers |
components_progress.html |
1 | Dark | Changed .bg-dark to .bg-light , added .bg-dark to .pace-demo container |
components_breadcrumbs.html |
1 | Dark | Breadcrumb line classes |
content_page_header.html |
1 | Dark | Page header examples |
content_cards.html |
1 | Dark | Add .text-muted to card header with subtitle examples, replace white card header example with transparent page header |
content_cards_header.html |
1 | Dark | Adjust markup |
content_cards_footer.html |
1 | All | Adjust markup |
extra_session_timeout.html |
1 | All | Added .alert-dismissible class to alert |
extra_session_idle.html |
1 | All | Added .alert-dismissible class to alert |
editor_summernote.html |
1 | All | Updated table styles in demo editors |
d3_lines_advanced.html |
1 | All | Replaced uniform checkboxes with custom bootstrap controls |
Dimple charts HTML files |
1 | All | Removed |
Handsontable HTML files |
1 | All | Removed |
Version 2.2
Version 2.2 is a quick update that includes mostly bug fixes reported by active users and updates of all components to the most recent version. Initial plan was to deliver a big update with lots of new things, but creating of those things take time and users asked to split it up into 2 separate updates. This is the first part. Although it's the first part, it includes some critical changes in SCSS files related to icon sets. Follow the list of changed files for more info.
// # List of updates
// ------------------------------
[updated] Bootstrap to 4.3.1
[updated] NoUI slider (nouislider.min.js) - to 13.1.3
[updated] ION range slider (ion_rangeslider.min.js) - to 2.3.0
[updated] ECharts (charts.min.js) - to 4.1.0
[updated] Image cropper (cropper.min.js) - to 4.0.0
[updated] Bootstrap file input (fileinput.min.js and related) - to 4.5.2
[updated] Fullcalendar files - to 4.0.1
[updated] Trumbowyg editor (trumbowyg.min.js and related) - to 2.14.0
[updated] SweetAlert2 (sweet_alert.min.js) - to 7.29.1
[updated] Font Awesome - to 5.5.0
[updated] AnimateCSS - to 3.7.0
[updated] Bootstrap file input (fileinput) - to 4.5.2
// # List of fixes
// ------------------------------
[fixed] Form wizard - Current/completed step icon in IE 11
[fixed] IE placeholder broken
[fixed] Inline form in jQuery UI dialog is broken
[fixed] SweetAlert - multiple issues popped up during library upgrade
[fixed] Trumbowyg - checkboxes in modals are misaligned
[fixed] IE11 - SweetAlert2 - Promise library is required
[fixed] IE11 - layouts 2 and 4 have extra scrollbar in content area
[fixed] IE11 - Datatable footer has extra whitespace
[fixed] Boxed layout - Timelines - vertical lines are not visible
[fixed] Wrong path to panel_bg.png file
[fixed] RTL layout - wrong icons in pagination
[fixed] RTL layout - newer Fullcalendar version breaks the layout
[fixed] NoUI slider pips styling
[fixed] Pickadate picker width
[fixed] ECharts library throws JS errors if DOM element doesn't exist
[fixed] Fullcalendar throws JS errors if DOM element doesn't exist
[fixed] AJAX and Dynamic Queue examples of Sweet Alert
[fixed] BlockUI in sidebar doesn't show up
// # List of improvements
// ------------------------------
[improved] Converted all icon sets to SCSS
[improved] Users now can replace default icon sets in SCSS
[improved] Replaced all hardcoded icon codes with a set of variables
[improved] Refactored bunch of JS and SCSS files
[improved] Removed unused mixin overrides
[improved] Now all icons include unicode
SCSS files to update
This section displays a list of updated SCSS files. Includes file name, path to this file and general description of changes. All list items are grouped in categories. This information allows you to quickly find and replace necessary files. Please keep your copies of SCSS files always up-to-date to avoid upgrading issues.
File | Location | Description | |
Updated core files | |||
_sidebar.scss |
/scss/layouts/[layout]/[theme]/layout/ | Replaced icon code with variables in .nav-item-submenu > .nav-link:after class |
_bootstrap.scss |
/scss/layouts/[layout]/[theme]/compile/ | Added paths to toasts and spinners components | |
_bootstrap-limitless.scss |
/scss/layouts/[layout]/[theme]/compile/ | Added paths to toasts component | |
_variables-core.scss |
/scss/layouts/[layout]/[theme]/variables/ |
Lots of changes here. In all layouts new variables according to BS version: $table-border-color ; $table-bg ; $custom-select-feedback-icon-padding-right ; $custom-select-feedback-icon-size ; $custom-select-font-size-sm ; $custom-select-font-size-lg ; $form-feedback-icon-invalid ; move dropdown styles below navbar; $card-cap-color
_variables-custom.scss |
/scss/layouts/[layout]/[theme]/variables/ | Icon variables. All start with $icon-* prefix. And updated $pickadate-max-width variable |
Updated components | |||
_tables.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/bootstrap_limitless/ | Removed table backgrounds styles | |
_type.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/bootstrap_limitless/ | Replaced dot icon in .list-inline-dotted |
_navbar.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/bootstrap_limitless/ | Replaced icon with variable in .dropdown-submenu .dropdown-toggle:after (down arrow for mobile) |
_dropdown.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/bootstrap_limitless/ | Replaced icons with variables in .dropdown-menu > .dropdown-submenu > .dropdown-item:after (direction arrows for submenu), .dropdown-menu > .dropdown-submenu .dropdown-toggle:after in media query (down arrow for menu item on mobiles). Removed custom vertical margin from .dropdown-divider , use variable instead |
_card.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/bootstrap_limitless/ | Replaced icons with variables in card actions, .card-group-control .card-title > a:before (collapse/expand icons) |
_badge.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/bootstrap_limitless/ | Removed transitions since BS added variable for them | |
_close.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/bootstrap_limitless/ | Removed cursor: pointer; (according to BS changes), improved hover and focus states | |
_button-group.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/bootstrap_limitless/ | Margin for buttons with custom border size | |
_caret.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/bootstrap_limitless/ | Added 2 variables for vertical align and left spacing (according to BS changes) | |
_list-group |
/scss/themes/[theme]/bootstrap_limitless/ | Added styles for horizontal list groups | |
_toasts.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/bootstrap_limitless/ | Added new file and updated header styles | |
_alert.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/bootstrap_limitless/ | Replaced icon codes with variables in alert[class*=alert-styled-] , .alert.alert-styled-custom classes (alert types icons) |
_caret.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/bootstrap_limitless/mixins/ | Replaced icon codes with variables in directional arrow classes | |
_badge.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/bootstrap_limitless/mixins/ | Updated hover/focus states | |
_forms.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/bootstrap_limitless/mixins/ | Removed | |
_ll-mixins.scss |
/scss/shared/utils/ | Added size() mixin. I find it very helpful, but it was deprecated. Moved to custom mixins. |
_datatables.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/tables/datatables/ | Replaced icon codes with variables in .dataTables_filter class (search icon in filter input), .sorting related classes |
_datatable-select.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/tables/datatables/ | Replaced icon codes with variables in .select-checkbox class (checkbox tick) |
_datatable-responsive.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/tables/datatables/ | Replaced icon codes with variables in td.control , th.control icons (table row expand and collapse) |
_datatable-autofill.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/tables/datatables/ | Replaced icon codes with variables in .dt-autofill-button .btn:after class (confirm button checkmark) |
_footable.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/tables/ | Replaced icon codes with variables in .footable-toggle class (table row expand and collapse) |
_handsontable.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/tables/ | Replaced icon codes with variables in .columnSorting (sorting icons), .htSubmenu (submenu arrow), .changeTypeMenu (checkbox tick), .htContextMenu td div span.selected:after (checkbox tick), .pika-prev:after/.pika-next:after (prev/next buttons icon) |
_uniform.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/forms/ | Replaced icon codes with variables in .uniform-checker:after class (checkbox tick), .uniform-select span:after (select down arrow) |
_multiselect.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/forms/ | Replaced icon codes with variables in .multiselect-item input[type=checkbox] class (checkbox tick) |
_wizard.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/forms/ | Replaced icon codes with variables in .wizard > .steps > ul > li.current .number:after (current step icon), .wizard > .steps > ul > done .number:after (completed step icon) |
_validation.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/forms/ | Replaced icon codes with variables in .validation-invalid-label:before and .validation-valid-label:before (error/success icons) |
_tokenfield.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/forms/ | Replaced icon codes with variables in .tokenfield .token > .close:after (close button icon) |
_tags-input.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/forms/ | Replaced icon codes with variables in .bootstrap-tagsinput .tag [data-role="remove"]:after (close button icon) |
_select2.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/forms/ | Replaced icon codes with variables in .select2-selection__clear:after (delete cross icon), .select2-selection__arrow:after (down menu arrow), .select2-search--dropdown:after (search icon) |
_dual-listbox.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/forms/ | Replaced icon codes with variables in .sidebar .bootstrap-duallistbox-container .box1:after (arrow between boxes in sidebar) |
_alpaca.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/forms/ | Replaced icon codes with variables in .alpaca-field .glyphicon-exclamation-sign:before (validation error icon) |
_slinky.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/forms/ | Replaced icon codes with variables in .next:after , .back:after classes |
_widgets.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/forms/editors/ | Some changes in button-size mixin |
_base.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/pickers/pickadate | Replaced icon codes with variables in .picker__nav--prev:before , .picker__nav—next:before (prev/next buttons) |
_daterange.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/pickers/ | Replaced icon codes with variables in .daterange-custom-display:after > (menu down arrow). And fixed bug in input with icons (wrong icon position) |
_anytime.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/pickers/ | Replaced ico codes with variables in .AnyTime-x-btn:after (close icon) |
_spectrum.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/pickers/ | Replaced icon codes with variables in .sp-clear-display:after (clear color selection), .sp-dd:after (menu down arrow), .sp-thumb-inner:after (checkbox tick) |
_pnotify.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/notifications/ | Replaced icon cides with variables in .brighttheme-icon-closer , .brighttheme-icon-sticker , .brighttheme-icon-stuck classes (notification controls) |
_sweet-alerts.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/notifications/ | Replaced icon codes with variables in .swal2-loading .swal2-confirm:before (loading spinner icon), .swal2-validation-message:before (validation error icon) |
_plupload.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/forms/uploaders/ | Replaced icon codes with variables in .plupload_header:after (uploader placeholder icon), li.plupload_droptext:before (uploader placeholder icon), .plupload_file_action:after (actions column placeholder), .plupload_delete a:after (delete button icon), .plupload_failed a:after and .plupload_done a:after (error/success icons) |
_file-input.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/forms/uploaders/ | Replaced icon codes with variables in .file-preview-other:after (unsupported file type placeholder), .file-thumb-loading:after and .file-uploading:after (loading spinner) |
_dropzone.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/forms/uploaders/ | Replaced icon codes with variables in (uploader placeholder), .dz-error-mark:after and .dz-success-mark:after (error/success icons) |
_fancytree.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/misc/ | Replaced icon codes with variables in .fancytree-checkbox class (checkbox tick) |
_fullcalendar.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/misc/ | Replaced icon codes with variables in .fc-icon-left-single-arrow:after , .fc-icon-right-single-arrow:after (arrows in prev/next buttons), .fc-icon-x:after (close icon). And updated some class names according to changes in latest version. |
_fancytree.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/misc/ | Replaced icon codes with variables in .fancytree-expander classes (collapse/expand icons), .fancytree-statusnode-error .fancytree-icon:after (validation error), .fancytree-loading .fancytree-expander:after , .fancytree-statusnode-wait .fancytree-icon:after (checkmark icon), .fancytree-drag-helper-img (accept/reject validation icons), .fancytree-ico-* icons (file, expand, collapse, folder icons) |
_fancybox.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/misc/ | Replaced icon codes with variables in #fancybox-loading div:after (loading icon), .fancybox-close:after (close icon), .fancybox-prev and .fancybox-next icons (direction arrows) |
_widgets.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/jquery_ui/ | Replaced icon codes with variables in .ui-accordion-header-icon:before (collapse/expand accordion icons), .ui-autocomplete-processing:after (loading spinner), .ui-datepicker-prev and .ui-datepicker-next (direction arrows), .ui-dialog-titlebar-close:after (close icon), .ui-menu-item-wrapper > .ui-menu-icon:after (submenu arrow), .ui-selectmenu-button:after (select menu direction al arrow), .ui-spinner-up:after and .ui-spinner-down:after (spinner +/- icons) |
_ion-range-slider.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/sliders/ | Renamed .irs-slider to .irs-handle |
JS files to update
These are all JS files that have been changed during update process. It can be a library, plugin or a sample JS file with charts or specific page configuration - everything matters. Also includes file name, path to the file and brief description about changes made. Since JS files are responsible for template's functionality, it is required to keep them up-to-date.
File | Location | Description | |
Updated core files | |||
bootstrap.bundle.min.js |
/js/main/ | Upgraded Bootstrap to the latest version | |
Updated demo pages | |||
extra_sliders_noui.js |
/js/demo_pages/ | Filtered pips example | |
extension_image_cropper.js |
/js/demo_pages/ | Demo config | |
extension_blockui.js |
/js/demo_pages/ | Demo config (sidebar block) | |
Full calendar examples |
/js/demo_pages/ | fullcalendar_basic.js , fullcalendar_styling.js , fullcalendar_formats.js , fullcalendar_advanced.js and related HTML pages |
learning_detailed.js |
/js/demo_pages/ | Fullcalendar config | |
timelines.js |
/js/demo_pages/ | Fullcalendar config | |
user_pages_profile.js user_pages_profile_tabbed.js |
/js/demo_pages/ | Fullcalendar config | |
extra_sweetalert.js |
/js/demo_pages/ | AJAX and Dynamic Queue examples | |
Updated components | |||
sweet_alert.min.js |
/js/plugins/notifications/ | Sweet Alert notifications library | |
trumbowyg.min.js and related |
/js/plugins/editors/ | Trumbowyg text editor and plugins | |
fullcalendar files |
/js/plugins/ui/fullcalendar/ | Fullcalendar files - full override | |
nouislider.min.js |
/js/plugins/sliders/ | NoUI slider library | |
ion_rangeslider.min.js |
/js/plugins/sliders/ | ION rane slider library | |
echarts.min.js |
/js/plugins/visualization/echarts/ | ECharts library | |
cropper.min.js |
/js/plugins/media/ | Image cropper extension |
HTML files to update
This section displays a list of updated HTML files. Includes file name, layout, theme and brief description of changes. This information allows you to quickly find and replace necessary files. Please keep your copies of HTML files always up-to-date to avoid upgrading issues.
File | Layout | Theme | Description |
editor_trumbowyg.html |
All | All | Minor changes |
*.html |
1 | All | Paths to fullcalendar files wherever used |
[RTL]*.html |
1 | All | Removed dir="rtl" wherever fullcalendar is used |
icons_fontawesome.html |
1 | All | Added icon codes |
components_alerts.html |
1 | All | Added toast examples |
Version 2.1
This version includes fixes for all bugs reported by fellow users - IE/Edge browsers issues, missing rules in various components and a bunch of improvements. This is the last update that is focused only on bug fixing, starting from the next one the main focus will be new layouts, themes and functionality. This means that migration from BS3 to BS4 is finally over.
// # List of updates
// ------------------------------
[updated] Bootstrap to 4.1.3
// # List of fixes
// ------------------------------
[fixed] IE11/Edge - userpic in navbar increases navbar height
[fixed] IE11/Edge - badges in navbar are misaligned
[fixed] IE11/Edge - sidebar content is hidden in fixed layout
[fixed] IE11/Edge - native scrollbar is visible in container with custom scrollbar
[fixed] Layouts 3/4/5 - Fixed sidebar styles still exist in _sidebar.scss
[fixed] Reversed rotation animation has incorrect animation name
[fixed] Pick-a-Date: Missing min-width CSS rule
[fixed] Pick-a-Date: Month/year drop-down
[fixed] Select2: in multiple select results text doesn't wrap
[fixed] Select2: custom light background applies incorrect shadow and placeholder color
[fixed] Replace input type="datetime" with input type="datetime-local"
[fixed] Pricing tables - text color in corner ribbon is incorrect
[fixed] RTL - Mail list page - dropdowns in mail selection appear behind sidebar
[fixed] RTL - In navbar button dropdowns don't support .dropdown-menu-right class
[fixed] Set of border utility classes mentioned in helpers has incorrect side names
[fixed] Documentation: Badge class still shows "badge-block" instead of "d-block"
// # List of improvements
// ------------------------------
[improved] Removed file extensions in components.scss
SCSS files to update
This section displays a list of updated SCSS files. Includes file name, path to this file and general description of changes. All list items are grouped in categories. This information allows you to quickly find and replace necessary files. Please keep your copies of SCSS files always up-to-date to avoid upgrading issues.
File | Location | Description | |
Updated core files | |||
_sidebar.scss |
/scss/layouts/[layout]/[theme]/layout/ | In 3, 4, 5 layouts only - removed styles for .sidebar-fixed class; in 1 and 2 layouts made some changes in the same class |
components.scss |
/scss/layouts/[layout]/[theme]/compile/ | Removed file extensions | |
Updated components | |||
_base.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/pickers/pickadate/ | Added min-width to the picker (added new $pickadate-min-width variable), fixed year/month selects styling |
_select2.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/forms/ | Added new rules to .select2-selection__choice in multiple selection, fixed custom background classes selector in single select |
_perfect-scrollbar.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/ui/ | Added new rules to .ps class to fix IE/Edge bugs |
_helpers.scss |
/scss/shared/ | Fixed animation name in reversed rotation | |
_ecommerce.scss |
/scss/shared/pages/ | Removed background-colour and color properties from .ribbon class, removed related variables ($pricing-ribbon-bg, $pricing-ribbon-color) | |
_navbar.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/bootstrap_limitless/ | Added ignores to right aligned dropdowns for RTL layout, cleaned up .dropdown-user class |
JS files to update
These are all JS files that have been changed during update process. It can be a library, plugin or a sample JS file with charts or specific page configuration - everything matters. Also includes file name, path to the file and brief description about changes made. Since JS files are responsible for template's functionality, it is required to keep them up-to-date.
File | Location | Description | |
Updated core files | |||
bootstrap.bundle.min.js |
/js/main/ | Upgraded Bootstrap to the latest version |
HTML files to update
This section displays a list of updated HTML files. Includes file name, layout, theme and brief description of changes. This information allows you to quickly find and replace necessary files. Please keep your copies of HTML files always up-to-date to avoid upgrading issues.
File | Layout | Theme | Description |
components_badges.html |
1 | All | Replaced .badge-block with .d-block |
content_helpers.html |
1 | All | Replaced .text-size-[value] with .font-size-[value] , .spinner-inverse with .spinner-reverse , border side names in .border-[side]-0 class |
form_inputs.html |
1 | All | Replaced datetime input type with datetime-local |
mail_list.html mail_list_detached.html |
1 | All | Added .dropdown-menu-right to navbar dropdowns |
All |
All | All | All files where top navbar with badge and user image are used - make sure you added “height” property to the user image, this is important change since now image size is not controlled by CSS, because of IE/Edge issues |
Version 2.0.1
Quick update that includes bug fixes for version 2.0, the most important one is IE10/11 browser support - now all layouts work fine in IE10+. Here is a list of changes:
// # List of fixed
// ------------------------------
[fixed] Flexbox layout is broken in IE10 and IE11
[fixed] Right aligned custom checkers are misaligned
[fixed] Multiselect menu should have 100% width by default
[fixed] Sectioned sidebar with custom background color has wrong background in collapsed mode
SCSS files to update
This section displays a list of updated SCSS files. Includes file name, path to this file and general description of changes. All list items are grouped in categories. This information allows you to quickly find and replace necessary files. Please keep your copies of SCSS files always up-to-date to avoid upgrading issues.
File | Location | Description | |
Updated core files | |||
_sidebar.scss |
/scss/layouts/[layout]/[theme]/layout/ | In 3, 4, 5 layouts only - updated .sidebar-xs styles |
_layout.scss |
/scss/layouts/[layout]/[theme]/layout/ | Updated styles for main containers | |
Updated components | |||
_multiselect.scss |
/scss/themes/[theme]/components/forms/ | Added width: 100%; to multiselect container |
HTML files to update
This section displays a list of updated HTML files. Includes file name, layout, theme and brief description of changes. This information allows you to quickly find and replace necessary files. Please keep your copies of HTML files always up-to-date to avoid upgrading issues.
File | Layout | Theme | Description |
form_checkboxes_radios.html |
1 | All | Added .position-static to labels in right aligned custom checkers |
Version 2.0
Bootstrap 4 version has its own changelog, because 2 Bootstrap version are completely different. Major part of components have been customized in order to support BS4 and flexbox layout, so components from BS3 can be used in this version. Since all components are the same in all layouts, the template now supports 1 main layout and 4 child layouts - this means only 1st layout includes all components, child layouts include only layout-related files. This makes maintenance easy and fast. Main highlights:
- Adapted 3rd party components
- Latest versions of all main libraries
- Built with SCSS
- Improved gulp tasks
- Based on flexbox model
- Single set of assets for all layouts
- Moved to modular JS pattern
- All bugfixes and improvements from BS3 are included
- Updated all examples
- High attention to details
- Improved file structure
- Improved starter kit
- Improved vertical navigation
- Improved multi level navigation in navbar
- Mega menu has been extended
- Improved performance
- Removed old and unmaintained libraries
- Single SCSS configuration file with all components
- Improved theming support
- Simple style editing
- ... and much more