
How to Enable Styles for switcher?

Please Follow the below steps

Go To any HTML file in Script Section Can you change our custom.js to custom1.js style link. check below Image


The following HTML,JS, CSS you must have in your page to enable switcher with switcher icon.

Below SWITCHER HTML code is also available in switcher.html page

	<!--  Switcher js -->
	<script src="../assets/switcher/js/switcher.js"></script>

"Below links shows how the switcher pages looks like & path of the Switcher pages in the template."

https://ibb.co/7CCpFkP (Path:pages/Switcher/Switcher)

If You want to add switcher icon to any page just replace below code in place of main-header section


NOTE:When page reloads, to active primary color for a color picker in switcher then follow below process:

Uncomment the below code in themecolor.js (../assets/js/themecolor.js)

// document.getElementById('colorID').value = localStorage.spruhaprimaryColor;

// document.getElementById('darkPrimaryColorID').value = localStorage.spruhadarkPrimary;