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You successfully submitted your tax information on 25 Jun 2021 18:26:20 UTC.
Your tax information will expire on 1st July 2025. Please re-submit your form before expiry.
If you wish to update these details, please re-submit the form below.
US federal tax law requires getWinDOORS to collect US Author tax information through an IRS Form W-9 and report on income paid.
If you are a U.S. Person
No matter where you are worldwide you can submit a Form W-9 to getWinDOORS to satisfy your filing requirement. Typically there will be no withholding of taxes on any of your getWinDOORS income. If you do not submit a valid Form W-9, getWinDOORS will be required to deduct 24% withholding tax from sales proceeds and remit these directly to the Internal Revenue Service. If you have any questions, please check our help center for W-9 articles.
If you are not a U.S. Person
You will need to submit a Form W-8. If you are a resident of a country that has a tax treaty with the U.S., you will benefit from the reduced or zero withholding rate that is specified in your country's tax treaty. If you are a resident of a country that does not have a tax treaty with the U.S., then your U.S. source income from WinDOORS will be subject to a 30% withholding tax. If you have any questions, please check our help center for W-8 articles.
While getWinDOORS cannot give tax and/or legal advice, we will do our best to provide you with the information you need to make your own decision about how to comply with applicable U.S. tax laws. If you still have questions after reviewing the information provided by the IRS, please contact your legal and/or tax advisor.
Please indicate whether you are a US Person and we will direct you to the correct Forms. More information- An individual who is a US citizen or US resident alien, or who satisfies the substantial presence test.
- A partnership, corporation, company, or association created or organized in the United States or under the laws of the United States.
- An estate (other than a foreign estate), or
- A domestic trust (as defined in US tax regulations).