Please Follow below URL for detail online documentation Jampack is loaded with many operational, strategical, analytical and collaborative applications. File Structure HTML ├── │ └── dist │ └── css │ └── fonts │ └── img │ └── js │ └── src │ └──scss │ └── apps.scss │ └── drawer.scss │ └── footer.scss │ └── header.scss │ └── horizontal-menu.scss │ └── mixins.scss │ └── nav.scss │ └── navbar-menu.scss │ └── style.scss │ └── variables.scss │ └── vertical-classic-menu.scss │ └── vertical-icon-menu.scss │ └── vendors │ └── All Required plugins files │ └── All Html Pages │ └── .jshintrc │ └── Gruntfile.js │ └── package.json │ └── package-lock.json └── Installation To get started, you need to follow some specific steps ( Use of these tools is completely optional.) Node.js and NPM. You can download Node.js from here Npm comes bundled with Node.js. At last install grunt using below command line npm install -g grunt-cli npm install grunt --save-dev After installing all the required frameworks, components and dependencies, go to the root folder of and run the following commands from the command line: npm install grunt dist grunt If everything was installed correctly, you should see the jQuery version of Jampack running in http://localhost:9000/ Above all procedures are optional you can directly use the compiled Demo files which we provided you.