They are exclusively designed to help out websites with professionally designed templates

2. Installation Guide

  • After unzipping Template Files, you will find our product DreamPos->Reactjs(Source code), Documentation in the following Main Files folder.
  • Mandatory are npm and node are needed to run the reactjs project
  • Once unzipped the files,run the command: npm install (or) npm install --legacy-peer-deps
  • For running a project,run the command: npm start
  • For moving in production or files move to server,give the command: npm run build

3. Requirements

  • Node -v 16.17.0
  • Npm
  • Notepad++ or visual studio or subline text

4. File Structure

Extract the zip file you received after purchase and you would find the exact below files and folders:

template/ public 
	 src   .babelrc  .env .gitignore   package.json               


5. File Configuration

How to change Logo ?

You can change the logo or replace it from images folder or you can edit it from JSX file.

import React, { useState,useEffect } from "react";
import {Logo} from 'assets/images/logo.jpg';

const Profile =()=> {
return (
	<Link to="/dream-pos/dashboard" className="logo">
		<img src={Logo} alt="" / >
export default Profile;

6. Credits

We've used the following resources as listed. These are some awesome creation and we are thankful to the community.


If you have any queries please contact us through email:


Thank you so much for using this template

Dreamguy's Technologies Pvt Ltd,